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Results for "Check One...Two mixtape"

by Mr. Shovel
Digging up the best in emerging music from LA and OC, Check One...Two is the local music show hosted by Mr. Shovel on the legendary KLOS. Check One...Two began in 2004 on Indie 103.1 where Mr. Shovel (Mark Sovel) was founding Music Director, and from 2016-2019 it aired Sunday nights on 95.5 KLOS FM.
Total tracks: 485
128 bpm
Avr. Tempo
Avr. Duration
Avg. Key
Playlist Main Genre: la indie
Danceability: 5.0 / 10
Energy: 7.6 / 10
Valence: 5.8 / 10
Liveness: 1.9 / 10
Speechiness: 0.5 / 10