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Results for "Modern Classical Essentials"

by jirihorakpiano
Here you can find beautiful songs created by many famous contemporary classical artists! Great for study, focus and concentration. There are songs by Yiruma, Roberto Cacciapaglia, Helen Jane Long, Michael Nyman, Ramin Djawadi, Max Richter, Ludovico Einaudi etc. - Piano solo/piano and strings duets
Total tracks: 170
115 bpm
Avr. Tempo
Avr. Duration
Avg. Key
Playlist Main Genre: neo-classical
Danceability: 3.6 / 10
Energy: 1.1 / 10
Valence: 1.9 / 10
Liveness: 1.1 / 10
Speechiness: 0.4 / 10