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Results for "🌧️ Sad Rainy Vibes ☔ "

by SamJG
For rainy indoor days. A mix of songs that have a sad / rain / comforting vibe. Good with a warm cup of tea / mug of hot chocolate / chai latte / looking through a steamed up window and sitting by a fire place with a cosy blanket kind of feel! Featuring Coldplay, Bon Iver, London Grammar, RY X etc
Total tracks: 42
126 bpm
Avr. Tempo
Avr. Duration
Avg. Key
Playlist Main Genre: permanent wave
Danceability: 4.5 / 10
Energy: 3.5 / 10
Valence: 2.0 / 10
Liveness: 1.3 / 10
Speechiness: 0.3 / 10